Monday, May 14, 2007

Im back

After days of work I am back with a happy heart.
The work was quite tiring but I was very happy and inspired.
I was not able to chat with my bebek but I really know how much he loves me that is why I am secured and happy.

I came from another world. The underwater world!
Though I have only dived at 10 feet deep, Im still contented. Im not a professional diver but the photos and video footages that was given to me were enough already to be satisfied underworld.

When we finished documenting, I was so excited going home and tell my bebek the story about my adventure in Glan and Tamble Sarangani Bay.

And true, my spiderdad was really there waiting!!!!!
Im soo soooo happy... The man I love was waiting for me... hehehehehe (I am so flirtyyy...)

If there is omne thing I really wished for to complete my happiness.... that is to tighten my tummyyyy...

It is hard to diet..... but whenever im checking my body and find out that something is really changing.... I feel better.

I wanna be super sexy like Beyonce!!! Ewwww!!!! My friends would really laughed at me.... I am so obseessed to lost weight now.... What do you think, ha? he-he-heh!!!

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